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how to update fusion table dynamically from python

I am working on a health care project we have a device which continiously generates values for the fields ACTIVITY AND FREQUENCY .The values need to be updated continously from python to google fusion table.


  • The question is quite broad, you probably want to have a look at the documentation of the Google Fusion Tables API if you haven't so far:

    Also it may be worth checking the quota section to make sure that Google Fusion Tables is indeed what you want to use:

    I'll be glad to try to help if you come up with more specific questions :)

    EDIT: since there are quite a few questions around the topic, I'll add some "hints".

    • A (Google Fusion) table belongs to a Google account. Your script must therefore include a step where it asks for your permission to modify data attached to your Google Account. You can therefore see your script as a web application which needs an authorization to achieve its goal. This web application will use the Google Fusion Tables API and therefore it must be registered in the Google API Console. You will find details about the process of registration and authentication with a Python script here:
    • I just checked that this works and you can insert rows to a table thereafter, so you may want to have a quick look at my script. Note that you can neither use my application credentials (which are by the way not included) nor my table as you are not authorized to edit it (it's mine!). So you must download your application credentials from the Google API console after having registered and adapt the script so it loads your credentials. Also, the script does not create a table (as of now) so as a first step you can create a table with two columns in the UI and copy paste the table id in the script so it will know in which table to write. Here's the script (sorry it's a bit of a mess right now, I'll do as soon as I can):

    Hope this helps.