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How to implement infinite scrolling with ng-grid

Currently, I am using ng-grid to show data in a tabular way. Also, for some tables that have rather lots of records, I am am using server-side paging to fetch the data.

I am not quite satisfied with this solution. What I would like to do is fetch more data as the scrollbar reaches the end of the window (something like the ngInfiniteScroll directive). I haven't found a way to do this with ng-grid.

So, my question is: Can this be done with ng-grid, and if yes - how? There seems to be no out of the box solution in ng-grid for this problem.


  • When the user has scrolled to the bottom of the grid this event fires. useful for infinite/server-side scrolling.


    scope.$on('ngGridEventScroll', function () {
         //append rows to grid

    use this event to get notified when user scrolled to the bottom of the grid so that you can append more rows to the grid.
