I'm looking for a way to achieve something like this in graphviz:
--- node B
node A ---
--- node C
another example (at the bottom): http://machining.grundfos.de/media/60727/grundfos_pumpenhandbuch.pdf#23
Is there a way of doing that with graphviz?
so far I only got orthogonal edges:
digraph G {
graph [rankdir=LR,splines=ortho,concentrate=true];
node [shape=box,];
edge [dir=none];
a -> b;
a -> c;
you must introduce intermediate (eventually hidden) nodes to act as split points. For instance:
digraph G {
graph [rankdir=LR,splines=ortho,concentrate=true];
node [shape=box,];
edge [dir=none];
i [shape=point];
a -> i -> b;
a -> i -> c;