I'm trying to update Flurry from v 4.2.3 to 4.3.2 in my iOS application. I've updated the files, and in Frameworks updated it to use libFlurry_4.3.2.a. However, when I look at the project.pbxproj file, under library search paths in a couple places it includes the local path to the file as well as "\\\"$(SRCROOT)/[AppName]/Third\\ Party/Flurry\\ Analytics\\\""
Will this cause issues if someone else goes to build the code on a different computer? If I remove the local path it doesn't build.
Whenever I have had similar issues I removed the absolute local path, then removed all of the unnecessary \
characters. So try changing the search path to "$(SRCROOT)/[AppName]/Third Party/Flurry Analytics"
and removing the absolute local path.