This code takes a directory with tiffs, uses the tiflib tiffcp.exe and inserts another tiff at page one that is a copyright notice. The part that continually errors is when I call the compression. & $tool -c lzw
The error it gives is
& $tool -c lzw `
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (TIFFReadDirecto...4) encountered.:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
Now, I know that this is because there is a space in the argument. I have tried putting it in double quotes, single quotes, putting it in a parameter, putting it in two parameters, and a bunch of other things. No matter what I do, the LZW part seems throw an error. I should say that it still works for some reason. It still inserts the page and moves the old copy. Thanks for any help that can be given.
$tool = 'c:\tiff-3.8.2-1-bin\bin\tiffcp.exe'
$tifs = get-childitem . | where {$_.Extension -match "tif"}
foreach($tif in $tifs)
if ($tif -like '*copyright*')
"File already has copyright notice " + $tif
'Processing ' + $tif.Name
$output = "copyright-$tif"
& $tool "-c lzw" `
"c:\copyright pages\copyright.tif" $tif.FullName $output
Move-Item $tif C:\backup
I believe I have fallen victim to a bug/choice in Poweshell itself. I think I am encountering this exact problem.
Ignoring an errorlevel != 0 in Windows Powershell
I will take the answers given here to heart as ways to clean up my code though. Thanks for the help!