I want to copy ssh keys for users automatically, some users do not have keys.
What I have now is:
- present
- user: {{ usr }}
- source: salt://users/keys/{{usr}}.id_rsa.pub
When a key for a user does not exist on salt:// fileserver, I get an error. Is there some function to check for existence of a file in salt:// fileserver?
If you feel you MUST learn how to do this with just states, you can use the fallback mechanism by specifying a list of sources:
From the docs:
- present
- user:{{usr}}
- source:
- salt://users/keys/{{usr}}.id_rsa.pub
- salt://users/keys/null.id_rsa.pub
Where cat /dev/null > /srv/salt/users/keys/null.id_dsa.pub
Professionally, user keys should be stored in pillars. This presents the additional functionality that pillars are stored and retrieved from the master at execution time - which means you can test for the existence of the file per your original request. I do something just like that for openvpn certificates: