Is there an option for the qemu-nbd command to get the next free, i.e. unused NBD like losetup -f does? The manpage of 0.0.1 (which is version of the currently stable release 1.7.0 of qemu) doesn't mention anything.
You can query attributes about nbd devices in sysfs.
For example:
cat /sys/class/block/nbd0/size
Will return 0, or the size of the mapped image file otherwise, if /dev/ndb0 is in use.
So you could iterate each device until you find one with 0 and attempt to try that with qemu-nbd
Something like this should do it:
for x in /sys/class/block/nbd* ; do
S=`cat $x/size`
if [ "$S" == "0" ] ; then
qemu-nbd -c /dev/`basename $x` some_file.img