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How to deposit testcoin in peatio?

I cloned peatio project, I run the server locally my question is how to deposit my test-coins in peatio and my test-coin address is mtV5o3VMNMfjHqma3kvLauUSVPRUyr6giM


  • If you mean how can you get some test coins, google 'bitcoin testnet faucet'.

    If you mean how to make the coins sent to you add to your account balance in database:

    1. Make sure you set walletnotify option in .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf. For example:

      walletnotify=curl http://localhost:3000/payment_transaction/btc/%s

      With this a new PaymentTransaction will be created on new received coins.

    2. Make sure you've run rake daemons:start. It will start a coin deposit daemon to process every PaymentTransaction created in previous step. Check lib/daemons/coin_deposits.rb for more details.