I am using test Product Id (PRODUCT_ID = "1023608")
to implement Nokia In-App purchase.
I can successfully purchase an Item using following code snippet.
mHelper.launchPurchaseFlow(this, PRODUCT_ID, RC_REQUEST, this, "");
I am getting succes response in onIabPurchaseFinished
When I try to query recent purchases using mHelper.queryInventoryAsync(this);
I am getting Owned items response: 0
I was just wondering It should return me the product Id of purchased item.
Can anybody please help me If I am missing anything ?
Thanks :-)
Are you using emulator for testing: Then the known issues would state that "State of test IDs is not stored to back-end when emulator is used to initiate the purchase transactions."
Here's link to it: http://developer.nokia.com/community/wiki/Nokia_X_known_issues