Search code examples

Rails select2 ajax tags

I'm using the select2 jquery gem. I'm trying to get the list of topics matching what the user types. It's not working as expected and i've spent all day trying to find out why. I keep getting this error in the console

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'toUpperCase' of undefined select2.js?body=1:363
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'localeCompare' of undefined 

The second error links to the js file on this line

return this.text.localeCompare(term) === 0;

Is there something i'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

My route:

get '/topic/topic_list' => 'topic#topic_list'

In my Topic controller i have:

def topic_list
    @topics = Topic.order(:name)
    respond_to do |format|
        format.json { render json: @topics.where('name like ?', "%#{params[:q]}%") }

Topic js file

$(function () {
        tags: true,
        width: '100%',
        tokenSeparators: [","," "],
        createSearchChoice: function(term, data) {
        if ($(data).filter(function() {
              return this.text.localeCompare(term) === 0;
            }).length === 0) {
              return {
                id: term,
                text: term
        multiple: true,
        maximumSelectionSize: 5,
        formatSelectionTooBig: function (limit) {
            return 'You can only add 5 topics'

        ajax: {
            dataType: 'json',
            url: '/topic/topic_list.json',
            data: function (term, page) {
                return { q: term };
            results: function(data, page) {
                return { results: data };

In my form i have

<%= f.label :topic_list %>
<%= f.text_field :topic_list %>

Also the /topic/topic_list.json returns this:

[{"id":2,"name":"app","added_by":null,"cover_id":null,"created_at":"2014-03-23T20:12:24.615+00:00","updated_at":"2014-03-23T20:12:24.615+00:00","count":1},{"id":5,"name":"app tech website","added_by":1,"cover_id":null,"created_at":"2014-03-23T20:23:33.754+00:00","updated_at":"2014-03-23T20:23:33.754+00:00","count":1},{"id":3,"name":"tech","added_by":null,"cover_id":null,"created_at":"2014-03-23T20:12:24.668+00:00","updated_at":"2014-03-23T20:12:24.668+00:00","count":1},{"id":4,"name":"website","added_by":null,"cover_id":null,"created_at":"2014-03-23T20:12:24.677+00:00","updated_at":"2014-03-23T20:12:24.677+00:00","count":1}]


  • The select2 does not know what field you want to use from the data you passed back. Assuming it is the name field, add this function separately (not in select2):

    function format(item) { return; }

    and the two following options to select2:

    formatSelection: format,
    formatResult: format