I'm thinking that @GGrothendieck's answer to the request for solutions to fractional roots of negative numbers deserves a graphical addendum:
Can someone plot the roots in a unit complex circle. as well as add the "graphical sum" of some of the roots, i.e. the sequential products of the same 5 roots of -8, vectors multiplied in sequence?
x <- as.complex(-8) # or x <- -8 + 0i
# find all three cube roots
xroot5 <- (x^(1/5) * exp(2*c(0:4)*1i*pi/5))
plot(xroot5, xlim=c(-8, 2), ylim=c(-5,5))
Originally I was thinking this would be some sort of head to tail illustration but complex multiplication is a series of expansions and rotations around the origin.
The circle is centered at 0, 0. The roots all have the same radius and picking any one of them, the radius is
r <- Mod(xroot[1])
The following gives a plot which looks similar to the plot in the question except we have imposed an aspect ratio of 1 in order to properly draw it and there is a circle drawn through the 5 points:
plot(Re(xroot5), Im(xroot5), asp = 1)
draw.circle(0, 0, r)
Multiplying any root by
e <- exp(2*pi*1i/5)
will rotate it into the next root. For example, this plots xroot5[1]
in red:
i <- 0
points(Re(xroot5[1] * e^i), Im(xroot5[1] * e^i), pch = 20, col = "red")
and then repeat the last line for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 to see the others successively turn red.