I'm working on a form generator implementation, and I want to have ng-options evaluate a property of the current 'field' and return the select 'options' as listed in something like $scope.options.
This means that I can setup the 'option' containing objects in my controller, and have the form elements use the correct object to populate the dropdown.
My form is built from a relational database, so hard coding the target object isn't going to help (although it does work, it's just not scalable)
I'm stuck figuring out how to get ng-options to evaluate an expression which makes the jump from variable to object name.
Maybe there's just a better way to do this altogether?
<select id="{{field.Name}}" ng-model="field.Value"ng-options="option.ID as option.Value for option in [SOMETHING THAT EVALUATES TO AN OBJECT NAMED IN THE BINDING PROPERTY]" ng-required="field.Required"></select>
I have a fiddle here: JSFiddle
I would make an object containing objects of your options
$scope.optiongroups = {group1: [...], group2: [...]}
and then
ng-options="value as option for option in optiongroups[dynamic var here]"