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Using Closure Stylesheets with Plovr in serve mode

i am using plovr for developing a closure application. and that i am often using plovr in serve mode. from this source code of plovr and this post from the author it seems that plovr also supports compiling closure stylesheets (gss).

with that in mind, i am specifying the bare minimum in my plovr config file to get this working. but can't figure out what url i should use in my page to load the compiled css.

for example, while plovr is running the compiled js can be fetched with


i guess fetching the compiled css can be done with something like the following:


but unfortunately can't figure out the right documentation for it. what is the approach to achieve this?

also is it possible to make use of the css class name renaming feature through plovr?


  • http://localhost:9810/css/project_id/

    did the trick. looks like i need not specify the output css file name.