I was attempting to follow along with g00glen00b's meteor/twitter walkthrough (http://g00glen00b.be/meteor-twitter-streaming/) when i got this persistent error. any help or hints would be much obliged.
=> Errors prevented startup:
While building the application:
node_modules/twitter/node_modules/cookies/test/express.js:1:15: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
node_modules/twitter/node_modules/cookies/test/http.js:1:15: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
#!/usr/bin/env node
var assert = require("assert"),
express = require("express"),
#!/usr/bin/env node
var assert = require("assert"),
http = require("http"),
meteor includes npm, and its perfectly acceptable to run 'mrt add npm' however npm should not be used to install its packages (e.g. npm install twitter) into a meteor project. you can require them via a packages.json file.
in order to avoid the illegal token error and get the server up running, i deleted the primary node_module dir in my project folder.
check the meteor google group for advice!