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Finding the exponent of n = 2**x using bitwise operations [logarithm in base 2 of n]

Is there a straightforward way to extracting the exponent from a power of 2 using bitwise operations only?

EDIT: Although the question was originally about bitwise operations, the thread is a good read also if you are wondering "What's the fastest way to find X given Y = 2X in Python?"**

I am currently trying to optimize a routine (Rabin-Miller primality test) that reduces an even number N in the forms 2**s * d. I can get the 2**s part by:

two_power_s = N & -N

but I can't find a way to extract just "s" with a bitwise operation. Workarounds I am currently testing without too much satisfaction (they are all pretty much slow) are:

  • using the logarithm function
  • manipulating the binary representation of 2**s (i.e. counting the trailing zeroes)
  • looping on a division by 2 until the result is 1

I am using python, but the answer to this question should be language agnostic, I suppose.


  • Short answer

    As far as python is concerned:

    • The fastest method of all to find the exponent of 2**x is by looking up in a dictionary whose hashes are the powers of 2 (see "hashlookup" in the code)
    • The fastest bitwise method is the one called "unrolled_bitwise".
    • Both previous methods have well-defined (but extensible) upper limits. The fastest method without hard-coded upper limits (which scales up as far as python can handle numbers) is "log_e".

    Preliminary notes

    1. All speed measurements below have been obtained via timeit.Timer.repeat(testn, cycles) where testn was set to 3 and cycles was automatically adjusted by the script to obtain times in the range of seconds (note: there was a bug in this auto-adjusting mechanism that has been fixed on 18/02/2010).
    2. Not all methods can scale, this is why I did not test all functions for the various powers of 2
    3. I did not manage to get some of the proposed methods to work (the function returns a wrong result). I did not yet have tiem to do a step-by-step debugging session: I included the code (commented) just in case somebody spots the mistake by inspection (or want to perform the debug themselves)



    hashlookup:          0.13s     100%
    lookup:              0.15s     109%
    stringcount:         0.29s     220%
    unrolled_bitwise:    0.36s     272%
    log_e:               0.60s     450%
    bitcounter:          0.64s     479%
    log_2:               0.69s     515%
    ilog:                0.81s     609%
    bitwise:             1.10s     821%
    olgn:                1.42s    1065%


    hashlookup:          0.11s     100%
    unrolled_bitwise:    0.26s     229%
    log_e:               0.30s     268%
    stringcount:         0.30s     270%
    log_2:               0.34s     301%
    ilog:                0.41s     363%
    bitwise:             0.87s     778%
    olgn:                1.02s     912%
    bitcounter:          1.42s    1264%


    hashlookup:     0.01s     100%
    stringcount:    0.03s     264%
    log_e:          0.04s     315%
    log_2:          0.04s     383%
    olgn:           0.18s    1585%
    bitcounter:     1.41s   12393%


    log_e:          0.00s     100%
    log_2:          0.01s     118%
    stringcount:    0.02s     354%
    olgn:           0.03s     707%
    bitcounter:     1.73s   37695%


    import math, sys
    def stringcount(v):
        return len(bin(v)) - 3
    def log_2(v):
        return int(round(math.log(v, 2), 0)) # 2**101 generates 100.999999999
    def log_e(v):
        """bp on mac"""    
        return int(round(math.log(v)/0.69314718055994529, 0))  # 0.69 == log(2)
    def bitcounter(v):
        """John Y on mac"""
        r = 0
        while v > 1 :
            v >>= 1
            r += 1
        return r
    def olgn(n) :
        if n < 1:
            return -1
        low = 0
        high = sys.getsizeof(n)*8 # not the best upper-bound guesstimate, but...
        while True:
            mid = (low+high)//2
            i = n >> mid
            if i == 1:
                return mid
            if i == 0:
                high = mid-1
                low = mid+1
    def hashlookup(v):
        """mac on brone -- limit: v < 2**131"""
    #    def prepareTable(max_log2=130) :
    #        hash_table = {}
    #        for p in range(1, max_log2) :
    #            hash_table[2**p] = p
    #        return hash_table
        global hash_table
        return hash_table[v] 
    def lookup(v):
        """brone -- limit: v < 2**11"""
    #    def prepareTable(max_log2=10) :
    #        log2s_table=[0]*((1<<max_log2)+1)
    #        for i in range(max_log2+1):
    #            log2s_table[1<<i]=i
    #        return tuple(log2s_table)
        global log2s_table
        return log2s_table[v]
    def bitwise(v):
        """Mark Byers -- limit: v < 2**32"""
        b = (0x2, 0xC, 0xF0, 0xFF00, 0xFFFF0000)
        S = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
        r = 0
        for i in range(4, -1, -1) :
            if (v & b[i]) :
                v >>= S[i];
                r |= S[i];
        return r
    def unrolled_bitwise(v):
        """x4u on Mark Byers -- limit:   v < 2**33"""
        r = 0;
        if v > 0xffff : 
            v >>= 16
            r = 16;
        if v > 0x00ff :
            v >>=  8
            r += 8;
        if v > 0x000f :
            v >>=  4
            r += 4;
        if v > 0x0003 : 
            v >>=  2
            r += 2;
        return r + (v >> 1)
    def ilog(v):
        """Gregory Maxwell - (Original code: B. Terriberry) -- limit: v < 2**32"""
        ret = 1
        m = (not not v & 0xFFFF0000) << 4;
        v >>= m;
        ret |= m;
        m = (not not v & 0xFF00) << 3;
        v >>= m;
        ret |= m;
        m = (not not v & 0xF0) << 2;
        v >>= m;
        ret |= m;
        m = (not not v & 0xC) << 1;
        v >>= m;
        ret |= m;
        ret += (not not v & 0x2);
        return ret - 1;
    # following table is equal to "return hashlookup.prepareTable()" 
    hash_table = {...} # numbers have been cut out to avoid cluttering the post
    # following table is equal to "return lookup.prepareTable()" - cached for speed
    log2s_table = (...) # numbers have been cut out to avoid cluttering the post