I am trying to change my development environment so that any emails sent from my machine through sendmail are redirected to a single address.
I have seen several examples using FEATURE(`virtusertable') like this
@example.com [email protected]
but the problem is I want to catch EVERYTHING, not just @example.com, and redirect it to a single address on an external domain (gmail). Currently I have sendmail setup on CentOS 6.5.
So, for example, I want to catch an emails that could be sent to
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
and redirect them to
[email protected]
How do I set sendmail up to do that?
You may use smart host to catch all outgoing messages (messages to non local mailboxes).
dnl Send all no local emails to local email address catch-all
# define catch-all alias
catch-all: johndeveloper1, archive
If you want to send messages to an external account using smtp then use:
define(`SMART_HOST',`esmtp:[email protected]')
to catch messages to non existing local mailboxes in local email domains.
to catch messages to all local email addresses in local email domains.
More complicated recipes allow to copy all envelope recipient addresses to email headers.