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How to take photo from webcam every one minute?

I'm trying to take a snapshot through my webcam. This is my code:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;

using AForge.Video.DirectShow;
using AForge.Video;

namespace WebCamShot
    class Program
        static FilterInfoCollection WebcamColl;
        static VideoCaptureDevice Device;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            WebcamColl = new FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);
            Console.WriteLine("Press Any Key To Capture Photo !");
            Device = new VideoCaptureDevice(WebcamColl[0].MonikerString);
            Device.NewFrame += Device_NewFrame;

        static void Device_NewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs e)
            Bitmap Bmp = (Bitmap)e.Frame.Clone();
            Console.WriteLine("Snapshot Saved.");
            Console.WriteLine("Stopping ...");
            Console.WriteLine("Stopped .");

It works well, but now I want to use my code for taking a snapshot every one minute.

Due to this reason, I added this line of code: Thread.Sleep(1000 * 60); // 1000 Milliseconds (1 Second) * 60 == One minute.

Unfortunately, This line doesn't giving me the wanted result - It still taking the snapshots like earlier, but it just saving the photos in the file every minute. What I actually want to do, is that my code will trigger the "Device_NewFrame" event every one minute.

How can I do it? I will glad to get some help.. Thhank You !

EDIT: As Armen Aghajanyan offered, I added timer to my code. This timer Initializes the device object every one minute, registers the new Device object to the Device_NewFrame event and starts the activity of the Device. After that, I'm uncommented this code in the event's body:

Console.WriteLine("Stopping ...");
Console.WriteLine("Stopped .");

Now the code is taking a snapshot every one minute.


  • I would recommend using Timer.Elapsed event. The implementation is straight forward and clean.