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How disassembler extract opcode from memory works?

I'm trying to figure out how disassembler works. Specifically, how the content in memory maps to the corresponding assembly language opcode.

Below is the content in memory, first column address:

773eed5c  50 ff 15 0c 17 3a 77 90-90 90 90 90 8b ff 55 8b  P....:w.......U.
773eed6c  ec 51 51 83 7d 10 00 74-38 ff 75 10 8d 45 f8 50  .QQ.}..t8.u..E.P
773eed7c  e8 14 d7 ff ff 85 c0 74-24 56 ff 75 fc ff 75 0c  .......t$V.u..u.
773eed8c  ff 75 08 e8 ab ff ff ff-83 7d 10 00 8b f0 74 0a  .u.......}....t.
773eed9c  8d 45 f8 50 ff 15 9c 15-3a 77 8b c6 5e c9 c2 0c  .E.P....:w..^...
773eedac  00 83 65 fc 00 eb d2 90-90 90 90 90 8b ff 55 8b  ..e...........U.
773eedbc  ec 57 e8 c7 d6 ff ff 8b-4d 0c 6a 34 5f 03 c7 0f  .W......M.j4_...
773eedcc  b7 00 40 40 03 c9 3b c8-0f 82 07 e5 00 00 56 e8  ..@@..;.......V.

And the corresponding disassemble result, first column memory address, second column opcode of instruction, the rest columns assembly instructions:

0x773eed5c 50 push    eax
0x773eed63 90 nop
0x773eed65 90 nop
0x773eed67 90 nop
0x773eed6a 55 push    ebp
0x773eed6d 51 push    ecx
0x773eed6f 837d1000 cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],0 ss:0023:056cfa8c=778237eb
0x773eed7c e814d7ffff call    kernel32!Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString (773ec495)

Now I can see the opcode e814d7ffff is on memory literally (e8 14 d7 ff ff)

But how to interpret the content in memory address 0x773eed5c? How the opcode for push eax and the consecutive nops maps to memory content 0c15ff50 90773a17 90909090 8b55ff8b?


The disassemble result I gave above is incorrect. The correct result, as shown below, fits the content in memory nicely:

0x773eed5c 50 push    eax
0x773eed5d ff150c173a77 call    dword ptr [kernel32+0x170c (773a170c)] ds:0023:773a170c={ntdll!RtlExitUserThread (777ef608)}
0x773eed63 90 nop
0x773eed64 90 nop
0x773eed65 90 nop
0x773eed66 90 nop
0x773eed67 90 nop
0x773eed68 8bff mov     edi,edi
0x773eed6a 55 push    ebp
0x773eed6b 8bec mov     ebp,esp
0x773eed6d 51 push    ecx
0x773eed6e 51 push    ecx
0x773eed6f 837d1000 cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],0 ss:0023:0447fc24=778237eb
0x773eed73 7438 je      kernel32!OpenFileMappingA+0x45 (773eedad) [br=1]
0x773eed75 ff7510 push    dword ptr [ebp+10h]  ss:0023:0447fc24=778237eb
0x773eed78 8d45f8 lea     eax,[ebp-8]
0x773eed7b 50 push    eax
0x773eed7c e814d7ffff call    kernel32!Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString (773ec495)

For details about my mistake: I'm using pykd to develop a tool around WinDbg. The documentation about its disasm module doesn't cover the detail, so I used the wrong param to the disasm.jumprel function, which result in the incomplete disassemble result.


  • There does seem to be some stuff missing.

    50                push eax
    ff 15 0c 17 3a 77 call [0x0c173a77] ; where did this thing go?
    90                nop
    90                nop
    90                nop
    90                nop
    90                nop
    8b ff             mov edi, edi  ; wut?
    55                push ebp      ; this looks like the beginning of a function
    8b ec             mov ebp, esp
    51                push ecx
    51                push ecx
    83 7d 10 00       cmp [ebp + 10], 0

    I disassembled this manually, I may have made mistakes. This code is weird. Your disassembly of it is even weirder and I have no idea how it happened.