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Proper layout resource folder for Amazon Kindle HDX 7" HD screen

I have a new device to port my app to (Kindle Fire HDX)

The DisplayMetrics dump:

DPI : 320, 
wxh 1920x1200, 
x,y dpi 324.255x322.966, 
scaleddensity 2.0 
densityfactor 2.0

What's the most accurate folder "swXXXdp" to place the layout resources? Can I calculate that "XXX" from the displayMetrics?

  • To target my 10.1 galaxy tab I use "sw720dp".
  • To target an old 7" 1024x600 I use "sw600dp"
  • This kindle fire seems it fetches the resources from "sw600dp" as well, but I don't fully understand why (as it is a much bigger resolution screen than the other 7")

Can anybody shed some light? Thx!


  • I finally understood the swXXXX thing thanks to everybody's answers and a little research.

    sw*XXXX* and sh*XXXX* do indeed mean Smallest Width and Smallest Height available, however the Desity Factor in the Display Metrics affect this value as well.

    For instance

    • the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7" has a "raw" resolution of 1920x1200, but the display is Ultra-dense (xhdpi), that's why the density factor is set to 2. So for resources, Android will look in sw(1200/2) == sw600dp.

    • My older tablet, also 7", has a raw resolution of 1024x600, but the display is less dense, so DisplayMetrics return a density factor of 1, and the associated resource folder will be sw(600/1)dp == sw600dp

    • The new "retina-like" 10" screens have a resolution around 2560x1600, but then again, the density factor is 2, so they're equivalent, when it comes to swXXXX layouts, to 1280x720 screens with density factor=1 (ie. Galaxy Tab): The folder is sw720dp in both cases.

    • So although the layout folders are the same, Bitmap resources will be fetched according to the density code, which is different. The modern tablets I describe use xhdpi, while the older ones use mdpi or hdpi -can't remember right now-. This is why the final thing works: Same layouts use density-independent dimensions, and load density-dependent bitmaps. The final omelette tastes delicious!