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Web Services and Azure ACS - Security Token from an Identity Provider (e.g. Facebook)

I'm new to Azure ACS and working with a web site that implements Azure ACS. I need to write a web service that needs to be secured with authentication via an Identity Provider first (e.g. Facebook).

I'm having a hard time finding a simple sample that can help me accomplish basically the 2nd scenario laid out in this article: ("By presenting a security token from another trusted issuer (Identity Provider) that has authenticated that client").

For what it's worth, I was able to find a great example that lets the client authenticate directly with ACS using ACS Service Identity (i.e. username/password) here:, but I need the client to authenticate via FB to identify who that client is.


  • In case someone else is also looking for this information, here's a sample I finally was able to obtain after contacting Microsoft Azure ACS support: