We know the complexity of the nearest neighbor search of kd-tree is O(logn). But how to calculate it? The main problem is the average time complexity of the back tracing. I have tried to read the paper "An Algorithm for Finding Best Matches in Logarithmic Expected Time", but it is too complicate for me. Does anyone know a simple way to calculate that?
The calculation in the paper is about as simple as possible for a rigorous analysis.
(NB This is the price of being a true computer scientist and software engineer. You must put the effort into learning the math. Knowing the math is what separates people who think they can write solid programs from those who actually can. Jon Bentley, the guy who invented kd-trees, did so when he was in high school. Take this as inspiration.)
If you want a rough intuitive idea that is not rigorous, here is one.
Assume we are working in 2d. The sizes of the geometric areas represented by the 2d-tree are the key.
In the average case, one point partitions the domain into 2 roughly equal-sized rectangles. 3 points into 4. 7 points into 8 parts. Etc. In general N points lead to N-1 roughly equal-sized rectangles.
It not hard to see that if the domain is 1x1, the length of a side of these parts is on average O(sqrt(1/N)).
When you search for a nearest neighbor, you descend the tree to the rectangle containing the search point. After doing this, you have used O(log N) effort to find a point within R = O(sqrt(1/N)) of the correct one. This is just a point contained in the leaf that you discovered.
But this rectangle is not the only one that must be searched. You must still look at all others containing a point no more than distance R away from the search point, refining R each time you find a closer point.
Fortunately, the O(sqrt(1/N)) limit on R provides a tight bound on the average number of other rectangles this can be. In the average case, it's about 8 because each equal-sized rectangle has no more than 8 neighbors.
So the total effort to search is O(8 log n) = O(log n).
Again, I repeat this is not a rigorous analysis, but it ought to give you a feel for why the algorithm is O(log N) in the average case.