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JSNI - invoking native method from another native method

How to call another native on button click of a native method? can we call more than 1 native method from single native method on button click


  • Yes you can do it.

    Sample code:

    public void onModuleLoad() {
        Button btn = new Button("Click");
        btn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
    public static native void exportSayHello() /*-{
        $wnd.sayHelloFunction = $entry(@com.gwt.test.client.GWTTestProject::sayHello(Ljava/lang/String;));
    public static native void buttonClicked(String value)/*-{
    public static native void sayHello(String value)/*-{
        $wnd.alert("Hello " + value);

    Steps to follow:

    • Export method sayHello() to JavaScript using JSNI
    • Now call it from native method buttonClicked() using the same name sayHelloFunction that is exported to JavaScript.

    Read more about GWT JSNI.