when creating a PF Source node in a scene I can select this system in maxscript and iterate through all the particles using a for loop and pf.particleIndex
However, when I use maxscript to loop through the geometry in a scene and generate a PF Source for each object pf.NumParticles() returns 0 and pf.particlePosition of pf.particleIndex = i returns 0 0 0 for coord.x, .y and .z
geo = #()
for OBJ in Geometry do (
append geo OBJ
for OBJ in geo do (
with undo off (
-- define color for current object
r = random 128 192
g = random 128 192
b = random 128 192
-- create a particle system
pf = PF_Source()
pf.Quantity_Viewport = 100
-- enable render
rp = RenderParticles()
pf.AppendAction rp
-- create birth
a1 = Birth()
a1.Amount = random 1000 2000
a1.Emit_Start = 0
a1.Emit_Stop = 0
-- position to surface of current object
a2 = Position_Object()
a2.Location = 3
a2.Emitter_Objects = #(OBJ)
-- show in viewport
a3 = DisplayParticles()
a3.type = 2
a3.color = (color r g b)
-- add the event to the flow
e1 = Event()
e1.AppendAction a1
e1.AppendAction a2
e1.AppendAction a3
-- create the "complete" particle system
pf.appendInitialActionList e1
-- get particle coordinates
particleAmount = pf.NumParticles()
print particleAmount
for i = 1 to particleAmount do (
pf.particleIndex = i
coord = pf.particlePosition
print coord
-- garbage collection
Is there some way to, I don't know, refresh the PF Source in the script so it is aware of there being particles in the system.
There's a known issue with PF, when creating it with maxscript you have to reload it, for example using hold/fetch:
geo = geometry as array
for OBJ in geo do
-- create a particle system
local pf = PF_Source Quantity_Viewport:100
-- save its identifier for later
local handle = pf.iNode.handle
local particleAmount = random 1000 2000
-- enable render
pf.AppendAction (RenderParticles())
-- add the event to the flow
local e1 = Event()
-- create birth
e1.AppendAction (Birth Amount:particleAmount Emit_Start:0 Emit_Stop:0)
-- position to surface of current object
e1.AppendAction (Position_Object Location:3 Emitter_Objects:#(OBJ))
-- show in viewport
e1.AppendAction (DisplayParticles type:2 color:(random [128,128,128] [192,192,192]))
-- create the "complete" particle system
pf.appendInitialActionList e1
-- force particle flow to update particles
fetchMaxFile quiet:true
-- get the particle flow node again
pf = maxOps.getNodeByHandle handle
-- get particle coordinates
for i = 1 to particleAmount do
pf.particleID = i
coord = pf.particlePosition
format "index: %, pos: %\n" pf.particleIndex coord
On the other hand if you only need random particles on surface, PArray might be a better solution for you:
geo = geometry as array
for OBJ in geo do
local particleAmount = random 1000 2000
local pa = PArray emitter:obj formation:0 speed:0 Birth_Rate:particleAmount viewPercent:100 \
Emitter_Start:0f Emitter_Stop:0f wirecolor:(random [128,128,128] [192,192,192])
for i = 1 to particleAmount do
format "index: %, pos: %\n" i (particlePos pa i)