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Strings with WPML and Wordpress

I have a really impossible task for me. I know how put string content in wordpress ( )

but i don't know how put in this code. I want delete call and show text string.

if (!is_page_template('splash.php')) {
    echo '<!-- _________________________ Start Custom HTML _________________________ -->' . 
    '<div class="header_html">' . "\n" . 
        '<div class="header_html_outer">' . "\n" .
            '<div class="header_html_inner">' . "\n";
                if ($cmsms_option[CMSMS_SHORTNAME . '_header_custom_html']) {
                    echo stripslashes($cmsms_option[CMSMS_SHORTNAME . '_header_html']) . "\n";
                echo '<div class="cl"></div>' . 
            '</div>' . "\n" . 
        '</div>' . "\n" . 
    '</div>' . "\n" . 
    '<!-- _________________________ Finish Custom HTML _________________________ -->';

i can change it with the nexxt code, but show in front : _e( "text i want translate", "comercialdelmotor");

if (!is_page_template('splash.php')) {
    echo '<!-- _________________________ Start Custom HTML _________________________ -->' . 
    '<div class="header_html">' . "\n" . 
        '<div class="header_html_outer">' . "\n" .
            '<div class="header_html_inner">' . "\n" . '_e( "text i want translate", "comercialdelmotor");';
                echo '<div class="cl"></div>' . 
            '</div>' . "\n" . 
        '</div>' . "\n" . 
    '</div>' . "\n" . 
    '<!-- _________________________ Finish Custom HTML _________________________ -->';


  • I hope I understood your question correctly. You are correct in using _e() to echo a string. Your syntax use is wrong though. Never ever use " to enclose a translatable string, the translator does not recognise it, so your string is skipped/ignored.

    The correct way is to use '. So your string should look something like this _e( 'string to be translated', 'domainname' ); Note that domainname is optional, so using _e( 'string to be translated' ); is also correct.

    You can go and read more about translating your theme in this great tutorial.