I do have a .dll file and I'am trying to read the text file which is in it to my GridControl. The text file is like this (with more rows...):
1111 Maximum SomethingA
1222 Minimum SomethingB
1333 MediumS SomethingC
My code:
char[] chrArray10 = new char[1];
chrArray10[0] = '\t';
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile("C:/Users/PC-Me/documents/visual studio 2013/Projects/ClassLibrary1/ClassLibrary1/bin/Debug/MyDLL.dll");
System.Resources.ResourceManager resourcemanager = new System.Resources.ResourceManager("ClassLibrary1.Properties.Resources", assembly);
string[] strArrays15 = File.ReadAllLines(resourcemanager.GetString("GISS"));
string[] strArrays16 = strArrays15[0].Split(chrArray10);
DataTable dataTable5 = new DataTable();
string[] strArrays17 = strArrays16;
for (int s = 0; s < (int)strArrays17.Length; s++)
string str5 = strArrays17[s];
dataTable5.Columns.Add(str5, typeof(string), null);
for (int t = 1; t < (int)strArrays15.Length; t++)
char[] chrArray11 = new char[1];
chrArray11[0] = '\t';
gridControl2.DataSource = dataTable5;
PS: I used to read the .txt file just fine using File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(Enviroment....)
I'am trying to read the text file which is in it
If the text file is loaded into the resources as a string, you can't use File.ReadAllLines
. Instead, just read the string and split it:
string[] strArrays15 = resourcemanager.GetString("GISS").Split('\n');