In my string array, I want to look up some text and return the the line number of the first occurrence as an int.
This is working;
public static int LookUpLineNumber(String[] item, string TextToLookUp)
int m;
for (m = 0; m < item.Count(); m++)
if (item[m].Contains(TextToLookUp))
return m++;
However, I am wondering if there is any way to optimize it for efficiency and length?
Speed comparison: (average time on 10.000 runs with an string array of size 10.000)
Using my code:
Using Habib's code: Array.FindIndex<string>(item, r => r.Contains(TextToLookUp));
Your current solution looks OK. You can have return m;
instead of return m++
If you want to shorten your code you can use Array.FindIndex<T>
public static int LookUpLineNumber(String[] item, string TextToLookUp)
return Array.FindIndex<string>(item, r => r.Contains(TextToLookUp));
Not really sure if it would give you any performance gain.