I have following code that I am using to get modification time of a file. But it is not working. Whether I use stat command or -M operator, I am getting error messages like "Use of uninitialized value…" or "Can't call method "mtime" on an undefined value" depending on which method I use. Any suggestions? I am using MAC OS v10.8.5. I swear that the -M option worked yesterday few times but since then it has stopped working. I am flummoxed.
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Time::Local;
use Time::localtime;
use File::stat;
use warnings;
$CosMovFolder = '/Logs/Movies';
#sorting files based on modification date
opendir (DIR, $CosMovFolder);
#$file1modtime = -M $moviedir[1]; #it works here but doesn't work if used after the
sort line below. Why?
#sorting files by modification dates
@moviedir = sort { -M "$CosMovFolder/$a" <=> -M "$CosMovFolder/$b" } (@moviedir);
#$file1modtime = -M $moviedir[1]; #tried this, not working. same uninitialized value error message
$latestfile = $moviedir[1];
print "file is: $latestfile\n";
open (FH,$latestfile);
#$diff_mins = (stat($latestfile))[9]; #didn't work, same uninitialized value error message
my $diff_mins = (stat(FH)->mtime); # Can't call method "mtime" on an undefined value error message
print $diff_mins,"\n";
close FH
Turn on use strict;
at the beginning of your script. You'll find that there's a problem with the way you're calling stat
. Unless you need to open
the file for some other reason, don't. Skip the whole FH stuff.
But, your bigger problem is you're trying to stat
a file but you're not giving the full path to the file. chdir
to the folder (or pass the full path to stat
This works for me:
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::stat;
my $CosMovFolder = '/Logs/Movies';
chdir($CosMovFolder) or die $!;
#sorting files based on modification date
opendir (DIR, $CosMovFolder);
#Grab all items that don't start with a period.
my @moviedir = grep(/^[^\.]/, readdir(DIR));
#$file1modtime = -M $dir[1]; # tried this, not working. same uninitialized value error message
@moviedir = sort { -M "$CosMovFolder/$a" <=> -M "$CosMovFolder/$b" } (@moviedir); #sorting files by modification dates
my $latestfile = $moviedir[0];
print "file is: $latestfile\n";
print localtime(stat($latestfile)->mtime) . "\n";
Hope that helps!