Search code examples

#1327 - Undeclared variable: table_name

I was rolling some queries into a stored procedure and I hit the #1327 - Undeclared variable error ... the odd thing though is that the variable it claims is undeclared is actually a table name.

Working through the problem

So I extracted the bit of the procedure where it was falling over and tried to run it as a normal SQL query directly on the database through PHPMyAdmin... same thing. After much tinkering it seems to be where I'm joining another table.

If I run the query on a single table, it's fine, like this:

SET @i_channel_id = 3;
SET @i_product_id = 90;

`product_status_to_channel`.`status_code` INTO @s_status_code

FROM `product_status_to_channel`

WHERE `product_status_to_channel`.`channel_id` = @i_channel_id
AND `product_status_to_channel`.`product_id` = @i_product_id

ORDER BY IF(`product_status_to_channel`.`date` IS NULL, 1, 0) ASC, 
    `product_status_to_channel`.`date` DESC

LIMIT 0, 1;

SELECT @s_status_code AS status_code;

Which outputs 'LIVE' as the status_code in PHPMyAdmin - which is fine.

However, when I try and JOIN to the message table to find the associated status message, I get the error: #1327 - Undeclared variable: product_status_to_channel_lang ... but product_status_to_channel_lang is a table?!

SET @i_channel_id = 3;
SET @i_language_id = 3;
SET @i_product_id = 90;

`product_status_to_channel`.`status_code` INTO @s_status_code,
`product_status_to_channel_lang`.`string` INTO @s_status_message

FROM `product_status_to_channel`

LEFT JOIN `product_status_to_channel_lang`
    ON `product_status_to_channel`.`product_status_to_channel_id` = `product_status_to_channel_lang`.`product_status_to_channel_id`
    AND `product_status_to_channel_lang`.`language_id` = @i_language_id

WHERE `product_status_to_channel`.`channel_id` = @i_channel_id
AND `product_status_to_channel`.`product_id` = @i_product_id

ORDER BY IF(`product_status_to_channel`.`date` IS NULL, 1, 0) ASC, `product_status_to_channel`.`date` DESC

LIMIT 0, 1;

SELECT @s_status_code AS status_code, @s_status_message AS status_message;

Is it trying to evaluate product_status_to_channel_lang.product_status_to_channel_id as a variable on the JOIN?

LEFT JOIN `product_status_to_channel_lang`
    ON `product_status_to_channel`.`product_status_to_channel_id` = `product_status_to_channel_lang`.`product_status_to_channel_id`

I assume I'm overlooking something obvious?

I've tried this on both:

  • a Win7 box running xampp with MySQL 5.5.27 - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  • a Debian box running MySQL 5.1.73-1-log - (Debian)


  • Never mind - it was something obvious:

    `product_status_to_channel`.`status_code` INTO @s_status_code,
    `product_status_to_channel_lang`.`string` INTO @s_status_message

    Should be:


    ... it must be Friday, it took literally a couple of hours to see that.

    ... INTO @s_status_code,
    `product_status_to_channel_lang`.`string` ...

    ^That's where it's trying to assign product_status_to_channel_lang to being a variable into which to put data.