I'm having problem with writing query for getting similar posts in a blog based on tags they have. I have following models:
class Articles(BaseModel):
name = CharField()
class Tags(BaseModel):
name = CharField()
class ArticleTags(BaseModel):
article = ForeignKeyField(Articles, related_name = "articles")
tags = ForeignKeyField(Tags, related_name = "tags")
What i'd like to do is to get articles with similar tags sorted by amount of common tags.
After 2 hours of fiddling with it i got the anwser i was looking for, i'm not sure if it's the most efficient way but it's working:
Here is the function if anyone might need that in the future:
def get_similar_articles(self,common_tags = 1, limit = 3):
Get 3 similar articles based on tag used
Minimum 1 common tags i required
art = (ArticleTags.select(ArticleTags.tag)\
.where(ArticleTags.article == self))
return Articles.select(Articles, ArticleTags)\
.where((ArticleTags.article != self) & (ArticleTags.tag << art))\
.having(fn.Count(ArticleTags.id) >= common_tags)\
Just a stylistic nit, table names (and model classes) should preferably be singular.
# Articles tagged with 'tag1'
Articles.select().join(ArticleTags).join(Tags).where(Tags.name == 'tag1')