I am unable to 'run' phonegap ios hello world app. Same approach on windows machine with android SDK worked. I've been googling this for a while but didn't found anything helpful. Any thoughts what may error I am getting mean?
phonegap -v: 3.4.0-0.19.7
cordova -v: 3.4.0-0.1.3
Mac OS X: 10.7.5 (unupgradable - Intel GMA X3100)
Xcode: 4.6.3
~: phonegap create hello
~: cd hello
~: phonegap run ios
2014-03-16 18:24:17.091 ios-sim[6863:707] stderrPath: /Users/username/git/hello/platforms/ios/cordova/console.log
2014-03-16 18:24:17.096 ios-sim[6863:707] stdoutPath: /Users/username/git/hello/platforms/ios/cordova/console.log
2014-03-16 18:24:17.110 ios-sim[6863:707] Error loading /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/DVTFoundation: dlopen(/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/DVTFoundation, 265): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/DVTFoundation: GC capability mismatch
Unable to dvtFoundationBundle. Error:
[error] /Users/username/git/hello/platforms/ios/cordova/run: Command failed with exit code 1
I solved that issue by downgrading to ios-sim 1.8.2
npm uninstall -g ios-sim
brew uninstall ios-sim
npm install -g ios-sim@~1.8