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What is the correct way to display a multi-line @param using PHPDoc?

From what I've done research on, I can't seem to find a correct method to format a multiline phpdoc @param line. What is the recommended way to do so?

Here's an example:

 * Prints 'Hello World'.
 * Prints out 'Hello World' directly to the output.
 * Can be used to render examples of PHPDoc.
 * @param string $noun Optional. Sends a greeting to a given noun instead.
 *                     Input is converted to lowercase and capitalized.
 * @param bool   $surprise Optional. Adds an exclamation mark after the string.
function helloYou( $noun = 'World', $surprise = false ) {

    $string = 'Hello ' . ucwords( strtolower( $string ) );

    if( !!$surprise ) {
        $string .= '!';

    echo $string;


Would that be correct, or would you not add indentation, or would you just keep everything on one, long line?


  • You can simply do it this way:

     * @param string $string Optional. Sends a greeting to a given noun instead.
     *                       Input is converted to lowercase and capitalized.
     * @param bool $surprise
    function helloYou( $string = 'World', $surprise = false )
        $string = 'Hello ' . ucwords( strtolower( $string ) );
        if( !!$surprise ) {
            $string .= '!';
        echo $string;

    So your example is fine except for one thing: the PHPDoc @param needs to have the same name as the PHP parameter. You called it $noun in the doc and $string in the actual code.