I want to create a regular expression in PHP, which will allow to user to enter a phone number in either of the formats below.
345-234 898
345 234-898
548 812 346
The minimum length of number should be 7 and maximum length should be 12.
The problem is that, the regular expression doesn't care about the minimum and maximum length. I don't know what is the problem in it. Please help me to solve it. Here is the regular expression.
if (preg_match("/^([0-9]+((\s?|-?)[0-9]+)*){7,12}$/", $string)) {
echo "ok";
} else {
echo "not ok";
Thanks for reading my question. I will wait for responses.
You can use preg_replace to strip out non-digit symbols and check length of resulting string.
$onlyDigits = preg_replace('/\\D/', '', $string);
$length = strlen($onlyDigits);
if ($length < 7 OR $length > 12)
echo "not ok";
echo "ok";