In my Rails app, I have a form that allows users to upload images. My app is supposed to resize the images with the following controller method. (POST to this method, params[:file]
contains the ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile
that was uploaded:
def resize_and_store
file = params[:file]
# resize image
newimg = image.resize(100,100)
#etc... Store newimg
I get the following error, on the line that says
Magick::ImageMagickError (no decode delegate for this image format `0xb9f6052c>' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/544):
Testing this with an uploaded PNG file, it seems RMagick doesn't pick up that the temporary file is a PNG file. The code above does work if I read a locally stored PNG file, so it can't be that I'm missing the PNG decoder. How can I fix this and why does this happen?
You can do from_blob
on a ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile
param (this is how a file comes in):
images = Magick::Image.from_blob(params[:file].read)