I am trying to represent a variable in the form of a string to a integer, I have done so using;
The string is originally obtained from a text file and stored into a;
CharArrayPtr cmemblock;
Which is then represented as a string;
string str;
for(int i = 0; i < numberofvalues; i++)
str = cmemblock[i];
int number = atoi(str.c_str());
cout << number;
If I was to change the 'cout' to print str;
str = cmemblock[i];
int number = atoi(str.c_str());
cout << str;
The number show correctly as stored in the text file
However, I require the output to be an integer so that I could represent it in a loop to search for a value stored in a array. So this is where 'number' comes into play, which is the reason why I am asking for your help, when;
cout << number;
Whenever a new line is read it is represented as '0' how would I go about removing this? If your require my full code it is in several different .cpp files and to prevent anyone copying my work I can only email it you, im sure you have already guessed it is part of a University Assignment.
Using Member Adosi code I came up with this;
std::string str;
for(int i = 0; i < numberofvalues; i++)
str = cmemblock[i];
int number = std::stoi(str);
cout << number;
I get an error R6010. Have I done this wrong?
Use this instead of atoi
C++11 has this and a few other functions such as std::stol()
for longs, std::stof()
for floats, etc.