I am new with grails and am developing a web application.
I have a List of long values which is getting from ids of Domain class objects.
Initially this List is like [1,2,3]. I need to use this list of values in my service class for saving the associations.
But the same List is getting in service class as [49,50,51]
Why this difference of 48 is occurred? and how can i get the List as same as i sent.
Controller class:
def createQuestion(CreateQuestionCommand createQuestionCmd) {
if( createQuestionCmd.hasErrors() ) {
render(view:"create_question", model:[createQuestionCmd:createQuestionCmd , tags:Tag.list()])
} else {
Question question = new Question()
List tags= createQuestionCmd.tags
question = questionService.create(question,tags)
render(view: "question_submitted")
service class:
def create(Question question, List<Long> tagId) {
List<Tag> tagList=getTagsById(tagId)
question.save( failOnError:true )
Iterator itr=tagList.iterator();
while(itr.hasNext()) {
Tag tag=itr.next()
def getTagsById(List tagId){
Iterator itr=tagId.iterator();
List<Tag> tags
while(itr.hasNext()) {
long id=itr.next()
println "value of id is : "
println id
println id.getClass().getName()
Tag tag=Tag.findById(id)
return tags
CreateQuestionCmd.tags are List<String>
and you are trying to place that to List<Long>