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Install and Deploy Django app on Heroku

I often forget steps and wish there was a quick instructional guide on deploying a django project on Heroku.

How to Install and Deploy a Django app on Heroku?

I have posted a step-by-steps answer for steps that have worked for me.

You will get:

  • Django app both on heroku and your computer.
  • Postgres databases on both machines
  • git/bitbucket
  • authentication: login, logout, register, forgot pass, email authentication only (optional & default)
  • static files working on both machines
  • Bootstrap 3.0.3 included
  • South Migrations (instructions)


  • heroku account
  • github/bitbucket account
  • mac with OSX (tested on 10.9)


  • In my other answer, the process is well described, but takes time. So I have made a ready installation that is good to go in less than 15minutes.

    If you'd prefer the full explanation with the long path see the answer below.