I have table
id | industry_id | type | key
1 1 0 word1
2 1 1 word2
3 1 0 word3
4 1 1 word4
5 2 0 word5
6 2 1 hello
7 2 0 world
In result i need to get table
industry_id | title | description
1 | word1 word3 | word2 word4
2 | word5 world | hello
It means that all words with type 0 go to title, with type 1 to description
For now i can get almost what i want with query (but still get 2 records for each industry)
SELECT industry_id, type, GROUP_CONCAT(`key` SEPARATOR ' ') AS TEXT FROM table GROUP BY industry_id, type
You are grouping by industry_id, type
so you will get 4 rows and two row for each industry id try this
SELECT industry_id,
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN `type`=1 THEN `key` END SEPARATOR ' ') AS description
FROM Table1
GROUP BY industry_id