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Obfuscation in IBM Worklight

Although I understand that the chances are very minimal in cracking an application which is distributed via Appstore, I still want to obfuscate my worklight project for security reasons. Is there any inbuilt tool available within Worklight Studio or if not any plugin which can meet my requirement?


  • Obfuscation is not a bullet-proof security measure. Anyway, Worklight does not provide this ability built-in, however you can follow the instructions from this IBM Worklight blog post, about obfuscating your application's JavaScript code:

    From the blog post:

    It is very important to understand that code obfuscation, especially in JavaScript, is a relatively weak security measure. Most modern web debugging tools are smart enough to "prettify" the obfuscated code reverting it to a much more readable (however still not original) format.