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Python library installation-pypm

I installed the stepic library using Active State. What I did is as follows:

  1. Downloaded Active State.
  2. Ran the command pypm install stepic in the command line.

It was installed successful and I was able to import it successfully in the command line python interpreter. The problem is that I cannot import it into Eclipse. I am using PyDev to code. I know that eclipse needs the path of the library so that it can use it so I tried to install stepic again and it says:

skipping "stepic"; already installed at "%APPDATA%\Python" (2.7)

On checking the app data path using:

import os
print os.getenv('APPDATA')

I got the app data path but on going to it I could not find stepic.

What do I do?


  • I was able to figure out the path when I went to AppData/Roaming. There was a Python27 folder there and I simply pasted the necessary files into the Python27 folder in the C drive and added the path.