I can not make a purchase
via activemerchant
if my currency is not 'USD'
Here's error text message from response.message
The transaction currency specified must be the same as previously specified.
Here's purchase setup:
response = EXPRESS_GATEWAY.setup_purchase(product.price,
:currency => product.currency.upcase, # it's 'EUR'
:items => [{name: product.name, quantity: 1, amount: product.price, description: product.description}],
:ip => request.remote_ip,
:return_url => paypal_checkout_url,
:cancel_return_url => paypal_checkout_url
And here's purchase itself:
def purchase
response = EXPRESS_GATEWAY.purchase(product.price, express_purchase_options)
def express_purchase_options
:ip => ip_address,
:token => express_token,
:payer_id => express_payer_id
Maybe I should specify currency in express_purchase_options
Yes, the currency specified needs to be the same in all calls throughout the flow. It looks like this must be using Express Checkout..?? You just need to make sure the SetExpressCheckout request and the DoExpressCheckoutPayment request are using the same currency code.