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How do you programmatically adjust the horizontal divider of a PropertyGrid control?

I am using a .NET PropertyGrid control in my C# project.

When the form containing the grid loads, the horizontal splitter (which divides the Settings from the Description) is at a default position. How do I change the position of that splitter programmatically in C#?


  • This code is based off of an article ( from The Code Project, with two fixes and some cleanup introduced.

    private void ResizeDescriptionArea(PropertyGrid grid, int lines)
            var info = grid.GetType().GetProperty("Controls");
            var collection = (Control.ControlCollection)info.GetValue(grid, null);
            foreach (var control in collection)
                var type = control.GetType();
                if ("DocComment" == type.Name)
                    const BindingFlags Flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
                    var field = type.BaseType.GetField("userSized", Flags);
                    field.SetValue(control, true);
                    info = type.GetProperty("Lines");
                    info.SetValue(control, lines, null);
                    grid.HelpVisible = true;
        catch (Exception ex)

    I've used it in my own projects; it should work fine for you.