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Multi-index dataframe from sequence of dataframes

Say I have a list of dataframes [df1, df2, df3], where each single dataframe looks as follows:

> df1 

            median   std
control        0.4   0.2
experiment     0.2   0.3

How can I create a multi-index dataframe that stitches them together? Like this:

                         df1                 df2                  df3
          control experiment  control experiment  control  experiment
median        0.4        0.2      ...       ...      ...          ...
std           0.2        0.3      ...       ...      ...          ...


  • So you can provide the dataframes as a dict (as in duplicate question: python/pandas: how to combine two dataframes into one with hierarchical column index?), and then the dict keys are used:

    pd.concat({'df1':df1, 'df2':df2, 'df3':df3}, axis=1)

    or another option is to use the keys keyword argument:

    pd.concat([df1, df2, df3], axis=1, keys=['df1', 'df2', 'df3'])