Facebook have introduced a new programming language, which looks mostly like an extension to PHP. They've called it Hack and it's running on their HHVM engine.
After seeing their website and reading a bit about it, I wondered how fluid a migration from PHP to Hack could potentially be.
Let's base this discussion around a web application already deployed to a LEMP or LAMP stack.
Some of my initial thoughts and list of actions include:
So, how would you approach this?
I'm an engineer at Facebook who worked on Hack. In particular, I wrote several parts of the conversion tools and then applied them across Facebook's codebase. This indeed should probably be several questions -- it depends on how exactly your project is set up, what PHP feature you're using, and so forth. Some good starting resources include:
That's what you need to get started. Specific followups would be best asked as a separate question. I'll try to keep an eye on SO and answer where I can to help folks get started! You can also join us on IRC, #hhvm on Freenode.