I'm building an n-tier application and using this class to comunícate server side layers(DAL Layer -> BusinessLayer Layer -> WCF Service Layer:
public class Ohmio: IOhmioService
public IEnumerable<Pedidos> Pedidos_Listar()
using (var context = new OhmioEntities())
var query =
from Pedidos in context.Pedidos
select Pedidos;
query = query.Where(i => i.ID_Cliente == 25);
return query.ToList();
The class expose an POCOs object to share between layers. This is ok for server side layers, but i need to control de info exposed on WCF Service. In WCF service layer, I use this class to expose the data to WCF client:
public class Ohmio : IOhmioService
public IEnumerable<Pedidos> Pedidos_Listar()
BusinessLayer.Ohmio _pedidos = new BusinessLayer.Ohmio();
return _pedidos.Pedidos_Listar();
My question: Can i expose only a sub-set of POCOs class field to WCF client instead of the whole object Pedido. I need to specify field to be exposed to WCF Client. Thanks!
You could define a class containing only the fields you want to expose to use as return type for the service, and use Automapper to automatically generate an instance of the stripped-down class from a Pedido