Is there any chances to get price of purchased item?
When I use Google trivialdrivesample sources I process Purchase entity in such way:
public class Purchase {
long mPrice;
public Purchase(String itemType, String jsonPurchaseInfo, String signature) throws JSONException {
mItemType = itemType;
mOriginalJson = jsonPurchaseInfo;
JSONObject o = new JSONObject(mOriginalJson);
mPrice = o.optLong("price");
. . . .
. . . .
Here is a sample json:
{"orderId":"1234567890.098876565434321","packageName":"com.bla.bla","productId":"blabla","purchaseTime":1393827852653,"purchaseState":0,"purchaseToken":"alot of bla bla bla"}
Sorry but there is no price in the purchase object.
but you can start a getSkuDetails()
request and you will get the price from that.