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How to switch the user input of time from minutes to an hour?

I am trying to create a countdown timer that counts down from an hour if a user enters 1 or 2 hours if a user enters 2, etc.. I know I need to multiply the value I am getting from the user by 60 in order to switch from calculating minutes and seconds from the input to calculating by hour but I am just not quite sure where to do so.

    function startTimer() {
      userInput = document.getElementById('userTime').value;
        if(userInput.length == 0){
        alert("Please enter a value");
        } else {
        var numericExpression = /^[0-9]+$/;
        alert("Please enter a number")
        } else {

       function display( notifier, str ) {
        document.getElementById(notifier).innerHTML = str;

      function toMinuteAndSecond( x ) {
        return Math.floor(x/60) + ":" + x%60;

      function setTimer( remain, actions ) {
        (function countdown() {
           display("countdown", toMinuteAndSecond(remain));         
           actions[remain] && actions[remain]();
           (remain -= 1) >= 0 && setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);

      setTimer(userInput, {
        10: function () { display("notifier", "Warning message 1",    document.bgColor="#ffff00"); },
         5: function () { display("notifier", "Warning message 2", document.bgColor="#ff69b4");        },
         0: function () { display("notifier", "Final message", document.bgColor="#ff0000");       }


    <div id="countdown"></div>
    <div id="notifier"></div>
    Please Enter A Time Limit for the Meeting: <input type="text" id="userTime" />
    <input type="button" value="Go" onclick="startTimer()" />


  • All you really need to change is your toMinuteAndSecond function, which I have renamed and done below:

    userInput = document.getElementById('userTime').value;
    if (userInput.length == 0) {
        alert("Please enter a value");
    } else {
        var numericExpression = /^[0-9]+$/;
        if (!userInput.match(numericExpression)) {
            alert("Please enter a number")
        } else {
            function display(notifier, str) {
                document.getElementById(notifier).innerHTML = str;
            function toFormattedHHMMSS(x) {
                var hours = parseInt(x / 3600);
                var minutes = parseInt(x / 60) % 60;
                var seconds = x % 60;
                return (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes) + ":" + (seconds  < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds);
            function setTimer(remain, actions) {
                (function countdown() {
                    display("countdown", toFormattedHHMMSS(remain));
                    actions[remain] && actions[remain]();
                    (remain -= 1) >= 0 && setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);
            setTimer(userInput, {
                10: function () {
                    display("notifier", "Warning message 1", document.bgColor = "#ffff00");
                5: function () {
                    display("notifier", "Warning message 2", document.bgColor = "#ff69b4");
                0: function () {
                    display("notifier", "Final message", document.bgColor = "#ff0000");

    The same would be done for allowing days, or weeks, etc...