I have a cell table showing some data. For each row, I want to have two columns which contain edit / delete buttons. When each button is clicked, it should be able to notify a listener which button was clicked (and preferably also be able to pass in the object that row is associated with).
How can I do this? Specifically, I know how to render a button, but how can I process the on-click event and pass in the object which the user clicked to edit or delete?
This is the standard approach:
myTable.addCellPreviewHandler(new Handler<MyObject>() {
public void onCellPreview(CellPreviewEvent<MyObject> event) {
if ("click".equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType())) {
if (event.getColumn() == 0 || event.getColumn() == 1) {
MyObject object = event.getValue();
Window.alert("Column clicked: " + event.getColumn());
This is a more efficient solution, because you only have one handler attached to a table, instead of trying to attach a handler to each button in each row.