For my Windows Phone 8 application, I'm implementing my own application bar (I can't use the application bar provided by the system). Everything is working fine, but I have one big problem: the tilt effect for menu items!
I've tried to used the tilt effect provided by the WP toolkit, but it doesn't look like the original one. So how can I use the exact tilt effect by the system application bar in my own application bar ?
because your own app bar is not Tiltable Item. you can get the TiltEffect.cs file from this link:
and then you should add your own app bar to the TiltableItems in TiltEffect's Constructor, some like this:
static TiltEffect()
// The tiltable items list.
TiltableItems = new List<Type>() { typeof(ButtonBase), typeof(ListBoxItem), };
UseLogarithmicEase = false;