My code works great but I would like to set some comments to the parameters variables of the functions.
// method name:
// parameter list:
array('byWhat' => 'xsd:string'),
// return value(s):
// description: documentation for the method
'Retrieve customer by Email OR Identification Number.
@byWhat = String');
function getCustomerExists($byWhat){
return $web->getCustomerExists($byWhat);
And for this test I'm using Visual C# Express. So when I type my function, this is what popup as a help:
Unless people read the documentation they won't know what "byWhat" is.
What I'm searching for is that parameter comment Visual C# gives in their functions.
I have tried this solution without success.
You can add comments in your C# code that will appear as help text:
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="someArgument">Description</param>
public void SomeMethod(string someArgument)
Here, "Description" will be the helpt text for the param named someArgument
Edit, note:
I just realized you seem to be talking about a web service - if so, this might not be applicable. Since a web service is defined by XML, and the code you use for the client side is automatically generated, the comments from your code will not be included.
Silly-hack PS:
You may be able to edit the generated classes, and add comments there (that can be done in C#, and I would assume it should work in PHP too), but unless you know you are never going to change or update your service interface, it's a pretty lousy solution because: