I have this XML file encoded in windows-1252
and I haven't found any method to get a proper UTF-8
encoding from this file so far. It's a file containing a lot of accented characters that I need to display.
What I want to do, is to replace any encoding windows-1252 character myself. I would like to know how to do this :
NSString * eat = @"j'ai mangU00c8 une pomme";
NSString neweat = @"j'ai mangé une pomme";
I found many ways to replace a character which is not in a word, but I need here to replace characters (so here U00c8
) that can be anywhere in a given string.
DEcoding is not giving you proper result try this
NSString * eat = @"j'ai mangU00c8 une pomme";
eat = [eat stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"U00c8"